Student Exit Survey – Required for all Students

Hello, your feedback  is vital for our continual improvement on our CCTE programs district wide.

Step 1: Complete the survey.

Step 2: When you get to the thank you screen, Do a screen capture using the snipping tool.

Step 3: Turn in the screenshot image to the Google Classroom Assignment.

Step 4: Sit back and smile, you’ve earned it.

This Week’s Project – Breadth


For this week’s assignment, we will zoom out and look at all of the photos you took this semester. Using websites like WordPress, or Weebly, or Spark. You will Choose the best 12 images you made this semester.

These 12 images will make up the Breadth part of the AP 2d Art Porfolio.

We’ll do a few more reflective exercises between now and the end of the semester that you will add to your Portfoliio website, for the next few days, work on assembling the best 12 images you have taken this semester.

Today’s Warm Up:This is How Photoshop Artist Erik Johansson Creates His Mind-Bending Images

After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

How does Johansson create these images in Photoshop. What knowledge did you gain after viewing the images and some of the videos? How does this relate to the mash up photos we are working on? What ideas do you get for your own composite imagery?

Today’s Warm Up: The Photography of Jacob Sutton

After viewing the photos contained in the link above, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

What’s intriguing to you about these photographs? What spin does he make on traditional portrait work? How do you think he made these photographs? What ideas do you get for your own photographs?

Today’s Warm Up: Artist Statement

Step 1: Check out a few galleries from Photographer Elisa Paloschi

Step 2: Read over her artist statement

Answer these questions. What is the connection between her artist statement and the work that she does? What are your favorite moments of her artist statement? Why is the artist statement needed? What information would be in your artist statement for your ap portfolio?

CFG Critique – Movie Poster

Step 1: Get together in your CFGs and pull up the Movie Posters you made last week. All of the work that was turned in last week is up now on the website.

Step 2: Each person should be able to answer these questions about each photo in your CFG. Write down the group’s thinking on each of these questions for each of your photos. Post the answers in a google doc and turn it into Google Classroom. Critiques are due on Friday.

1. Does the Movie Poster look like a professional looking Movie Poster? What could be done to make the Poster more professional looking?  Did they use the template I provided? How well does the font they chose match the subject matter of the rest of the image? What is the photographer trying to say with this movie poster?

Each person turn in a copy of their group’s answers to the above questions